Ann Coulter: Free College Tuition Is A Scam To Make Kids Hate White People & GOP

Ann Coulter has hated college universities on a whole for a long time, but now she's created a conspiracy theory around President Obama giving tuition-free community college to kids.

I have to give credit to Ann (Jews need to be perfected) Coulter for influencing a whole generation of conservative politicians who now spout out nonsensical claims, conspiracy theories and hateful remarks on a daily basis. In days gone by, Senators and Congressmen/women would never lower themselves to the type of hyperbole Coulter has used her entire career, but there you go. Anyway, she's trying to stay relevant today by claiming that President Obama's plans to provide free community college tuition to students is just a plot to teach kids to hate Republicans.

Ann Coulter is not a fan of President Obama’s plan to provide tuition-free community college, or of federal college loans in general. Coulter told Florida radio host Joyce Kaufman on Monday that such programs are just a “scam” to “subsidize the most left-wing industry in America, that spends its days indoctrinating kids to hate Republicans.”“

And to hate white people,” Kaufman added. “The whole white privilege thing that’s going on there is killing me.”“Yeah, and they’re never called to account for it,” Coulter agreed.

I think we all know that Republicans don't need Obama's help or anyone else's for that matter to turn the younger generation against conservative ideals. They have been doing a bang up job on their own. And any policy that would help the middle and lower classes is now deemed a left wing plot.

Talk show host Kaufman then declared that this indoctrination is also a plot to make students hate "white people." Of course it is.

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