CNN's Costello Rips Rep. Perry For 'Suggesting The President Is A Traitor'

CNN host called out Rep. Scott Perry for suggesting that President Obama is collaborating with our enemies

Pennsylvania Rep. Scott Perry, a former military man, embarrassingly said recently he would have a hard time authorizing the AUMF because he felt President Obama was working with the enemy to undermine freedom. He's also sponsored bills like the Castle Doctrine and a host of other Tea party favorites, like photo IDs for welfare and Social Security. . Let's just say he's been a typical hyperventilating extreme conservative since he joined Congress.

He went on CNN this morning to discuss ISIS with Carol Costello and the interview immediately got heated when Carol decided to call him out on his previous remarks. As usual he lied about what he previously said and then couldn't give a straight answer on what he would do differently to defeat ISIS than what he administration is already doing.

When she asked him if the US could "kill our way out of this?," he agreed with the administration that we couldn't because an armed conflict is only a portion of the solution.

Perry: Unfortunately, armed conflict is only a portion of what we would see as a greater strategy and I think what of the frustrations of many Americans is we can't really gleem what he strategy is from this president...I think the summit adds value to the whole discussion, certainly deals with a component of it, the military is another component, but all these are components in a greater issue. It's not just about radicalization, it's about an understanding of who the adversary, who the enemy is and it seems like in many cases the administration has turned a blind eye - willingly, has really just looked the other way and refused for some reason to identify this enemy.

I think Obama has indeed looked and seen ISIS as an enemy.

Costello: OK, so in the past along those lines, you've suggested that Mr. Obama is actually collaborating with Islamic Stat militants. Are you suggesting that the president is a traitor?

Perry: Absolutely not. (Lie) What we’re talking about is his sending our terrorist prisoners that are located in Guantanamo to places like Yemen when you know that the government is unstable and literally fell within months later. When you talk about al Qaeda being on the run and being ineffective anymore when we see this global march of radical Islam going around the globe, really, in Europe, North Africa, at an unprecedented speed.

That’s what we’re talking about, where the rhetoric the president engages actually kind of incites some of this stuff, and enables it, encourages it.

How does the president enable and encourage it? This is twisted by any measuring stick. Carol refuses to let him lie his way out of his previous remarks and asks again.

Costello: So you’re saying by these actions, in an indirect way, the president is collaborating with the enemy?

Perry: What we're saying is that he seems to be disregarding what most Americans see right in front of then and we don't understand that, we're frustrated by it.

When she asked him "what should our strategy be?," he got all defensive and unresponsive and tried to give stock wishy washy answers. Watch the entire video.

As I've said before, can you imagine when George Bush was sending our troops off to die, if Reps like Nancy Pelosi, John Lewis, Barney Frank, etc...had said that Bush was collaborating with the enemy and is essentially a traitor?

What would the Beltway media's response have been?

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