Debate Over Vaccinations Proves How Junk Science Rules Conservatives


Editor's note: Sorry, this was a beginning draft and got published by mistake!


With the worst outbreak of measles in over a decade, the media spot light is shining down on the anti-vaxxers once more. I first heard about this debate years ago and then again on a Don Imus broadcast about ten years ago and if I had a young child and didn't the science, I probably would have been skeptical about whether vaccines caused autism. That's how propaganda works too. Now of course we know that these concerns are unfounded since the anti-vaxxers claims have been debunked, but back then I could see why parents would be worried.

But we have scientific evidence that these vaccines are safe and parents need to vaccinate their children against these diseases. Not only for their own safety, but so other children don't get infected through them. So why are these anti-vaxxers still out their screaming about

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