Fox News Freakout On Obama's ISIS Speech: 'He's A Terror Denialist'

Fox News was like this all day yesterday, as was most of the conservarazzi.

President Obama described Muslim terrorist groups this way on Wednesday at his three day summit meeting:

"They try to portray themselves as religious leaders, holy warriors in defense of Islam," he said. "We must never accept the premise that they put forward because it is a lie. Nor should we grant these terrorists the religious legitimacy that they seek. They are not religious leaders. They are terrorists.

This did not go well with Fox News' The Five, as they went ballistic after playing clips of Obama's words. Kimberly Guilfoyle was so ampt up that she went off script to open the discussion and then she turned it over to Greg "Coulter" Gutfeld and he used a bizarre analogy about an accident and a car - as is his shtick - to begin his ravings.

Gutfeld: Acknowledging terror without radical Islam is like blaming a hit and run on a car. it makes absolutely no sense.

And then he doubled down on his self-righteous anger, as he called President Obama a terror denialist.

Gutfeld: The first step in solving a problem is admitting you have a problem. the problem here is terror denial.

Only Gutfeld could taint the 12 steps of recovery.

Gutfeld: President Obama cannot accept the cause of this terror, he's a terror denialist and it's all due to his Islamophobia. He has a fear of Islam. He should just admit it, come out with it and then we can move on.

Ahh, now I get it. Guilfoyle agreed, "he's in denial," and she believes there's no cure.
Dana Perino tried to be more even handed than her cohorts by saying there's a disconnect between Obama and the American people. She agreed with Obama that we aren't in a war with all Muslims around the world, but that Obama is more worried what pundits think than his constituents. She said since these radical sare killing in the name of their religion, we need to think like they do. Don't you wonder what our military leaders are doing also?

Eric Bolling said he understood why Obama won't categorize ISIS as he does, but got ticked off because he thought Obama was apologizing to Muslims around the world.

Gulifoyle chimed in about Obama bringing up the Crusades and Christians, which Bollling concurred and then he got livid because Obama repeated Mary Harf's line that we can't kill our way out of this war.

Bolling:...if we just understood the jihadists a lot more if we just provided them with economic job opportunities they might not be extremists. He went there with the same line of thought. Right now while people are being burned, their organs are being harvested, we're sending 4000 troops to Kuwait, twenty six members of the coalition are right now in Saudi Arabia are trying to figure out how to kill these guys, and President Obama spends a good amount of time talking about how we as a global community should offer more opportunities for underprivileged people, like somehow if we just fix the poverty problem in the world, there won't be violent extremism, there won't be terror anymore.

It sounds like Bolling is making the case against Mitt Romney's 47% of American moochers speech.

Fox News was like this all day yesterday, as was most of the conservarazzi.

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