House To Investigate Whether White House Influenced FCC Rules On Net Neutrality

It looks like Republicans aren't supporting Net Neutrality after all.

Remember when conservatives said Net Neutrality was a good thing because free markets and all that? Not so much now that the FCC has issued their proposed regulations which have AT&T, Verizon and Comcast's panties in a bunch.

In fact, they see a whole new opportunity to create a scandal where none exists!

The Hill reports:

The House Oversight Committee is investigating if the White House had any "improper influence" on the Federal Communication Commission’s net neutrality rules unveiled this week.

Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) sent a letter to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler requesting all staff communications with the White House and other executive branch agencies about the issue, as well as internal documents discussing the White House recommendations and visitor logs of any meetings with administration officials.


"I am interested in hearing from the FCC on this matter, in particular how the FCC communicated with the White House and other Executive Branch agencies," Chaffetz said.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't the FCC part of the executive branch? There's no requirement that the White House keep their nose and influence out of regulatory matters. In fact, that's one area where the White House actually can have some power.

But hey, they need another scandal to hide the fact that they can't govern worth a damn, right?

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