John McCain: 'We Are Going To Have To Have Boots On The Ground' To Defeat ISIS

Senator John McCain attacked President Obama's call for the AUMF and claimed that America needs to send troops to fight ISIS.

Sen. John McCain, a neocons wet dream when it comes to foreign policy, attacked President Obama's ask for the AUMF and then claimed the US must send ground troops abroad to attack and defeat ISIS.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) responded to President Obama's request to Congress for an authorization to use military force against ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

Calling it "a study in Obama incoherence," the Senate Armed Services Committee chairman called out Obama for failing to clearly "articulate" the strategy.

McCain said the "ugly truth" is that "we are going to have to have boots on the ground" because the Iraqi army, the Kurdish peshmerga and Iranian-backed Shia militias cannot be relied upon to defeat ISIS.

"Any military man worth his salt, or a woman, will tell you that you have to have American forward air controllers, special forces and other capabilities embedded in these forces," said McCain.

America has been spending billions of dollars training Iraqi forces over the last decade and if they refuse to protect themselves then the U.S. can never accomplish that mission for them.

Isn't it funny, that when we try to help the middle and lower classes in this country, Republicans cry about the lazy moochers living off the "nanny state," and wanting something for nothing, but when foreign powers refuse to fight for their homeland, R's immediately will spend whatever resources (troops, equipment, money) we have with no ceiling to act like the world police. That hasn't worked so far and it never will. Why don't Republicans ask Iraq to pull up their boot straps and get er done?

Here's the full McCain interview:

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