SC Proposes NRA Second Amendment Education Act For All Public Schools

PTR Industries, a manufacturer of semiautomatic weapons, moved their company out of Connecticut due to Connecticut's strict laws on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines. The moved their business to Horry County, South Carolina, an area with 8% unemployment. The result of creating 45 new jobs for the county has prompted South Carolina to further bend over for all gun manufacturers by adopting an NRA school course designed to indoctrinate kids with guns.
State Rep. Alan Clemmons is attempting to keep the pro-gun momentum going through legislation that would force the topic of guns into classrooms, front and center. The bill, the Second Amendment Education Act, would mandate a three-week National Rifle Association–developed Second Amendment curriculum in all public elementary, middle and high schools.
Gun control advocates say the measure, proposed in December, would use South Carolina children for the benefit of the gun industry.
For the gun industry, however, the bill could be considered a big carrot, one that demonstrates that level of support to other gunmakers considering relocating to South Carolina, Grabowski said. “It’s a big handshake,” he said. “It’s a big ‘hello.’”
The bill covers all grade levels from elementary right on up to high school.
“The Second Amendment recognizes that a well-regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state,” Clemmons’ bill reads. “One result of hostility towards the Second Amendment has been an absolute intolerance for any discussion of guns or depiction of guns in writing or in assignments in public schools.” That would change under the bill’s designation of Dec. 15 as Second Amendment Awareness Day, when state schools would be required to hold poster or essay contests. The purpose of the contests, according to the bill, “is to encourage students to exercise their First Amendment right to freedom of speech to express their views about the Second Amendment and its role in protecting other constitutional rights.”
What could children in the second grade possibly know or understand about their second amendment rights? They are lucky they understand how to play with dolls and Tonka trucks and it's sick to literally put a loaded weapon into their hands.
As extremist right wingers take more control of states instead of protecting the welfare of their constituents, they are kneeling before their NRA Gods.
It's revolting.