Bill O'Reilly Claims Gen. Patton Would Defeat ISIS In A Week

Bill O'Reilly uses a long deceased WWII General Patton to "realistically" portray how he would defeat ISIS.

Bill O'Reilly joined Fox News' Outnumbered talk show as #OneLuckyGuy and he reiterated his previous rants against the way President Obama has been fighting ISIS and worldwide terrorism, but by the end of a segment on ISIS, he fell into fantasy land.

"He's just not a wartime president," Bill said about Obama. Does anybody know what that really means? George Bush is a wartime president by his own actions and his decisions have resulted in a catastrophic global economic meltdown and a middle east that is still burning today.

Kirsten Powers disagreed with BillO, as she has for sometime on how to fight ISIS and told the panel of ladies that president Obama is fighting ISIS and also reflecting the will of the people which riled up Bill so much he played the Nazi card. You can always count on a frivolous historical reference to back up conservative claims on foreign policy.

O'Reilly: Then you gotta go back WWII, people didn't support any intervention against Hitler and the Japanese and look what happened.

Then BIll told us about his plan to destroy ISIS.

O'Reilly: If each (60) nation sent in five thousand troops, that's three hundred thousand troops up against fifty thousand ISIS, do the math.

Why not have 60 nations send 10,000 troops each? We've been sending superior forces into Iraq and Afghanistan for over a decade so far and we are still behind the eight ball on the effects of Bush's wars.

That's when Bill lost his sh*t and lost his perspective on what reality actually is.

Powers: But when does that ever happen?

O'Reilly: When does that ever happen?

Powers: It seems like it always falls on the United States

O'Reilly: It always does, we're the leader of the free world. General Patton could destroy ISIS in a week. Alright? I wrote the book on Patton. One week, he destroys the whole crew. So you want to know what's reality? That's reality.

BIll wrote a book about Patton so he has a crystal ball and knows that in only one week the General would mount a machine gun jeep and crush all of ISIS in one whole week. My question is why would take Patton that long?

Foreign policy makes conservatives go crazy. They get bug-eyed after a few minutes - start frothing at the mouth and their inner John Wayne comes out in full movie-land force. Only with a diseased brain could someone suggest that a long dead general from WWII would defeat our foes in less time than it takes someone to wait for the next episode of The Walking Dead.

It's mind numbing. But hey, "you want to know what's reality? That's reality."

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