Franklin Graham Possessed By Obama Derangement Syndrome

Billy Graham's son is acting out his delusional behavior on the air, resplendent with delusions of Muslim takeovers.

Obama Derangement Syndrome may hit its apex this week, between the Obamacare arguments scheduled for Wednesday and Bibi Netanyahu's speech on Tuesday. They're already dialing up the crazy and it's only Monday.

But Franklin Graham is really in need of some serious reality checking, or barring that, a prescription for Xanax. He is completely over the top with his seething, foaming hatred for the man in the White House.

Right Wing Watch reports on his unhinged spew last week:

We’re going to see persecution, I believe, in this country because our president is very sympathetic to Islam and the reason I say that, Gordon, is because his father was a Muslim, gave him a Muslim name, Barack Hussein Obama,” he said. “His mother married another Muslim man, they moved to Indonesia, he went to Indonesian schools. So, growing up his frame of reference and his influence as a young man was Islam. It wasn’t Christianity, it was Islam.

“There are Muslims that have access to him in the White House, our foreign policy has a lot of influence now from Muslims. We see the Prime Minister of Israel being snubbed by the president and by the White House and by the Democrats and it’s because of the influence of Islam. They hate Israel and they hate Christians, and so the storm is coming,” Graham said.

Later in the program, Graham also lamented that the Bush administration “allowed Muslims to come into various governmental agencies,” warning that “you now have radical Islamists that are advising various levels of government and it’s going to get worse.”

“We as Christians are going to lose,” he said.

Oh, well. At least he's a bothsider kind of guy with the mention of the Bush administration.

After that rant, Graham was undeterred. Taking to his Facebook page, he wrote this:

Why is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu being shunned by the liberal media, congress, and President Barack Obama? I believe it’s because this administration has been heavily influenced by Muslims speaking into and giving advice in various areas of the White House. They are anti-Israel and anti-Semitic—and they are influencing the president who as we all know was raised with a strong Muslim influence in his life. His father and his stepfather were Muslims and he attended Islamic schools. Prime Minister Netanyahu has been a friend to the US and deserves our respect. They’re treating our friend and ally as an enemy.

Franklin Graham's assumption that because Barack Obama's father was Muslim and he lived in Indonesia for part of his childhood is nothing more than projection. After all, Franklin was heavily influenced by his father, therefore everyone else must be too.

Maybe that's true, but when said father only had about a week of influence in little Barack's life it's doubtful there was much in the way of influence happening there.

And so what if there was? So what if the President is sympathetic toward Muslims? Islam isn't evil. There are zealots committing atrocities in the name of religion all around this world, but claiming a religion doesn't make the religion the problem. Just those who pervert it.

Franklin Graham perverts Christianity with rants like this, but I wouldn't condemn all Christians because he's blind with hate.

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