Jihad Joe Scarborough Usurps Chuck Todd, Commandeers Meet The Press Segment

The discussion was about Hillary Clinton, but the politics were all about internal NBC positioning battles.

On its surface, this segment is yet another Hillary Clinton email segment, featuring Neera Tanden and Joe Scarborough as panelists. But it's really about Joe Scarborough's ambitions at NBC/MSNBC and the weight he likes to throw around.

Mediaite has a good take on the overall segment:

A panel featuring mostly professional pundits considered the latest development in the Hillary Clinton email story, and ended up yelling, to the extent that it was impossible to make out any of what the three or four people talking were trying to say. It got so bad even host Chuck Todd could no longer control it. Yet for all that hollering, no real point was made; whether anything was learned depended on what you knew of the story going in; whether any side was advanced or defended depended upon your ideological preconceptions.

Of course, that's exactly what Joe Scarborough wants. It's hardly a deep dark secret that he wanted that Meet the Press gig. He didn't get it, but he got the promise that he'd appear on it as much as he wanted to, which gives him plenty of room to be a jerk and tank the show -- as if Chuck Todd wasn't doing that on his own without any help.

Scarborough, the Republican congressman turned MSNBC talking head and host of Morning Joe, had been after Gregory’s job for years, according to former NBC employees. And inside MSNBC’s New York offices, Scarborough is known as a prima donna who doesn’t respond well to “no.”

Jihad Joe isn't one to sit meekly and accept his fate, either. Watch him marginalize Chuck Todd in this segment while trying to step all over Neera Tanden with the Fox News talking points and imagine him hosting this show weekly, if you can. It almost makes Chuck Todd look like a decent choice.


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