Mark Halperin Doesn't Believe Hillary Clinton Will Be President Over Emails

Mark Halperin declared Hillary Clinton's presidential aspirationa all but dead after her email story broke.

Bloomberg News' Mark Halperin has changed his mind over Hillary Clinton's chances of becoming president because of the news that Hillary used a private email while at the State Department and told ABC's This Week, that she's all but done as a candidate. That's a pretty big turnaround over a story that hasn't birthed any damning information about the former first lady at his time.

Charles Pierce calls the media reaction to the #E-MailWhateverYouCallIt a lightweight feeding frenzy.

Halperin is now the unofficial leader of #ItstheEndOfHillaryClintonAsPresidentHooah! club.

MARK HALPERIN, BLOOMBERG NEWS: I said a few weeks ago on this show that I thought she was easily the most likely president of the United States. I now think not only is she because of this as a symptom and a cause, I now think she's not only easily the most likely, I don't think she's any more the most likely.

I think it's important to hold all politicians accountable for their actions, but Halperin's breathless condemnation of Hillary Clinton is off the wall.

Even former Bushie Nicolle Wallace, called the premature burial of Hillary by the hyperventilating Halperin and the media - silly:

The media hyperventilation over everything the Clintons do reminds me so much of how they treated Bush and Cheney and I said earlier this week and I thought someone's head was going to explode in the media. This is a media problem for her, no doubt. Journalism and journalists view themselves as the safeguard and the guardians of the public interest. They think the public has an interest and so do the Republicans on the Benghazi select committee. But these were e-mails, not encrypted NSA taps. They will eventually come out.

And I think that what's instructive to me is how the media is now writing her off because she didn't turn over her e-mails. We don't know yet if this is a political problem, but it is most certainly a media problem.

It's interesting how most of the media (and yes Howard Kurtz, even MSNBC) have been attacking Hillary over this story.

Are you ready for the return of the 1990's Clinton media hunting party?


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