Rep. Louis Gohmert: Obama Is Part Of The Ayatollah Caucus

Rep. Louis Gohmert was angered that President Obama didn't show up and support Netanyahu's speech on Tuesday leading him to invent a new insult to denigrate the White House with.

Republicans have been criticizing Democrats and the White House for not showing up to support Bibi Netanyahu's speech which tried to undermine US/Iranian negotiations over nuclear power and the complaints have been zealous to say the least.

Rep. Louis Gohmert is not one to hold back his fee fees and he let loose to the FRC's Tony Perkins an exactly how he felt about it.

Yesterday on “Washington Watch,” Rep. Louie Gohmert criticized President Obama and Vice President Biden for declining to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he came to speak to the U.S. Congress just before the Israeli elections.

Gohmert told the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins that while he attends Obama’s speeches out of “respect for the office” even though he rarely agrees with what the president is saying, Obama and other administration officials “disrespected Israel and disrespected the leader of Israel, it was not about the man.” “If you named a caucus by who it helped, you’d have to name this one the Ayatollah Caucus,”

Gohmert said of Obama, before hailing Netanyahu as the “Esther for the United States.”

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