Ted Cruz Officially Starts Up The 2016 GOP Clown Car!

Just after midnight, Ted Cruz notified the twitterati of his intentions.

And there it is, in living color, complete with flag waving and big orchestral displays of patriotic music.

He's in, creepy smile and all.

Here's what we can expect for the foreseeable future. Fox News will take him very, very seriously, defending his Canadian birth as no big deal while forgetting that Barack Obama's Hawaiian birth was also no big deal.

CNN will hang on every word he says, while Chuck Todd takes him very, very seriously, because "official candidate."

Andrea Mitchell will explain carefully why Cruz suddenly has credibility in the foreign policy area, because as the only Republican candidate declared for 2016, we all need to hear what he has to say.

In other words, brace yourself for the 2016 Clown Car, where the candidates aren't as bad as the reporters covering them. Except, perhaps in Ted Cruz' case.

Update: You must check out TedCruz.com and TedCruzforAmerica.com.

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