Tom Cotton Gets Trolled By Dem Colleague

Senator Stabenow definitely put the freshman senator in his place.

Tom Cotton Gets Trolled By Dem Colleague

Tom Cotton is a troll, and Senator Debbie Stabenow spoke to him in the language he best understands Thursday.

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) delivered a pitch-perfect trolling lesson to the Senate on Wednesday, filing an amendment calling to defund "the purchase of stationary [sic] or electronic devices for the purpose of members of Congress or congressional staff communicating with foreign governments and undermining the role of the President as Head of State in international nuclear negotiations on behalf of the United States."

In other words, Stabenow wants to defund Tom Cotton letters.

Not a moment too soon, since Cotton took to his electronic device to give the President some foreign policy advice Wednesday.

The president’s announcement Tuesday was a good start, but he must go further. The United States should commit now to keeping at least 10,000 troops in Afghanistan until not just the end of this year, but until 2017, and perhaps beyond. This commitment also will show our partners — the Afghan people and our allies — that we’re serious about keeping Afghanistan on the path to a stable, secure future. And these troop levels will preserve a genuine counterterrorism capability, while ensuring that we can provide critical support to the Afghan security forces. We keep significant forces in other places around the globe as our demonstration to security commitments.

We should also provide our troops with flexibility to engage any enemy in conjunction with the Afghan security forces. Their target shouldn’t be limited to certain terrorist groups. In addition to security assistance, we should help Afghanistan through the coming loss of large amounts of international aid and ensure President Ghani is committed to building the Afghan economy over time.

I'm sure Obama appreciates the contribution.

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