Bill Kristol Stands By His Man, Calls Cheney 'Everyday Guy'

Yes, Bill Kristol is a joke, but he's not joking.

Bloody Bill Kristol must have gotten some backlash for his suggestion that if Democrats could nominate Hillary, Republicans could nominate Dick Cheney.

When asked by Steve Malzberg if Cheney could possibly beat Hillary Clinton, Kristol whined about how the media has done such a terrible job on him. He then went on to reassure Newsmax viewers that really, he's just a regular guy.

“But you know, he could get in his van and have the secret service drive him around Pennsylvania, Ohio and Iowa, go to Chipotle, be a regular, everyday American,” he added, mocking Clinton’s van tour to Iowa. “The great irony is that Dick Cheney is an everyday American.”

Yes, Cheney is an everyday American who wears the blood of thousands of real everyday Americans on him, along with the stench of their deaths.

Kristol then went on to get as petty as possible about Hillary Clinton.

“And the Hillary thing, can that possibly work? People are going to look at that and say, she’s just mixing and mingling with the peasants out there, that just shows how much in touch she is with the rest of us?” Kristol wondered. “It’s just kind of weird. She goes into some Chipotle with her aide and they have sunglasses on and they just buy their burrito and don’t talk to anyone.”

We've got a long road ahead to the general election. If Republicans think being petty or proposing Cheney as an alternative to Hillary is going to somehow make a difference, they're even more deluded than anyone imagined. I'll take a visit to Chipotle over Cheney's allegiance to oil barons, Halliburton, and death any day.

What Kristol is doing here is working to frame Hillary Clinton as the left's Dick Cheney. It won't work. There's no equivalence there - none.

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