Fox Guest Warns: Marriage Is 'Fraud Of The Rings'

You hear that, guys?

There are a lot more men like this out there than I realized (I've bumped into a few lately) and I wondered how they got that way. Well, this is a big clue. Via the National Memo:

Fox News’ hand-wringing over the erosion of marriage continues. If it isn’t “The Gays” destroying the institution, apparently it’s the feminists, who have contorted it into a demoniacal scheme to filch funds from emasculated grooms.

Fox & Friends ran a segment Tuesday to discuss why people are getting married less. Enter Peter Lloyd, self-proclaimed “suffragent” and author of Stand By Your Manhood: A Gamechanger for Modern Men, a how-to for embattled males to negotiate this world of predatory women. “I feel pretty safe,” Lloyd says, referring to the Atlantic Ocean buffering him from any stateside hostilities, and perhaps also to the fact that he was speaking on a news network that generally welcomes such views.

Marriage is the “Fraud of the Rings,” according to Lloyd. “It’s a legally binding contract,” he says, “and it serves men not at all. … Men need to be wise to it and avoid it at costs.”Feminism? “It’s got some wonderful things.” but it has also “prioritized the safety of women over men even though we all supposed to be equal.”

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