Fox News Host Wants Death Penalty For Tsarnaev So Obama Can't Trade Him To ISIS

Lunatics on parade!

Bill O'Reilly hosted a segment asking if Dzhokhar Tsarnaev should be given the death penalty over the Boston Bombing. (Bill is against the death penalty) Fox News host Andrea Tantaros must have delved into the liquor cabinet before she went on because she came out puking up drunken nonsense about Tsarnaev, president Obama and ISIS. She's all for wanting Dzhokhar put to death but not for the reason you might imagine would be rooted in reality. She said he probably would want to be executed so that he could receive his special allotment of virgins and then

Tantaros ...with President Obama, the last thing I want to hear, the next time an American is taken hostage is that ISIS would like Tsarnaev released and freed, (yea) and traded...

Sgt. Bergdhal was released in a prisoner of war swap and not through a hostage negotiation with a terrorist organization, Andrea...OK, I've drunk enough antifreeze this week already listening to these dingbats.

Discuss in the comments how demented her statement was.

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