Freedom Fries Make A Comeback - In Texas Schools, Anyway

Texas Ag Commissioner wants to overturn the ban on deep fryers.

Yay for Freedom Fries, thanks to Texas lunatic Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller.

If you thought Governor Greg Abbot was loony tunes, wait till you hear about Sid Miller, the man who appointed Ted Nugent as his campaign treasurer and considers Meatless Mondays "treasonous."

Because FREEDOM!

I have proposed a new rule to allow school districts to install deep fat fryers and sell beverages like diet soda. I believe each school district - not the state or federal government - should decide what foods are offered to students. It's about giving back local control and allowing each school district to make the best decision for their community.


If a school district doesn't agree with any of these changes, then the district doesn't have to implement them. That's the beauty here. It's not about French fries; it's about freedom.

It doesn't stop there, either. He wants to liberate the cupcakes, too.

Currently, Texas schools are only allowed one fundraiser day per year, when bake sales are permitted on campus. Miller wants to increase that number to six, which seems to refer back to his first act as Commissioner in January, when he announced, in front of a small crowd, that he was giving “full amnesty to cupcakes.”

Childhood obesity isn't trivial. It's a real problem, and putting deep fryers back into schools may signify freedom to this guy, but I guarantee you he also has no problem denying those children access to health care when they suffer the consequences of overeating and shoveling junk food into their mouths too.


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