Hump Day Quiz: What Is A Secular Theocracy?

Let's see if we can untangle Rick Santorum's argle-bargle.

I need your help with this one, because it truly makes no sense. To make it a little easier to interpret Rick Santorum's unique syntax, I will give you the dictionary definitions of secular and theocracy, along with the full quote as stated on the radio Tuesday.

Secular: denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis.

Theocracy: a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

For the first time in the history of our country, the government is attacking people, prosecuting people, calling for people to be rehabilitated, constraining in the military with our chaplaincy. We now see chaplain after chaplain being dismissed for not accepting the secular orthodoxy that this administration wants to put forward, criticizing people for holding biblical truth and counseling them in a biblically coherent way. We see businesses being prosecuted. We see all sorts of activity on the legislative front, where they are pushing — as we saw in Indiana — pushing bills that simply protect employees’ rights to be able to practice their faith consistent within an employment situation. And those things which were unanimously passed are now being fought against.

It’s a hostility to religion that we’ve never seen in the history of our country. And I read an interesting article the other day; it’s actually not the free exercise of religion that is being attacked, it’s actually a new religion that is being established. So we have the state establishing a new religion, a secular state religion, a secular orthodoxy that everybody is going to have to comply with. We don’t have as the threat was at the time of our Founders, the Church of England imposing the English church on America. We have now the secular church that is being imposed on this country and anybody that defects is subject to persecution and prosecution. That is a very serious threat to liberty in America.

Maybe listening will make it easier:

Okay, folks. Go. Figure it out, if you can.

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