Kansas Governor Teaches Students A Lesson In How To Sign An Extreme Abortion Ban

What is the matter with these whackos?

About the time I think Kansas Governor Brownback can't get worse, he does.

Earlier this month, this happened:

The only thing missing from that tableau was a fetus doll or two. But now, it's even more bizarre. He took that show on the road for high school students. Seriously. He really did.


On Tuesday, the governor traveled to four different cities across Kansas to reenact the signing of SB 95 in public ceremonies that teenagers could attend. The events took place at a Catholic church education building and three Catholic high schools.

“I am profoundly disappointed that Governor Brownback has chosen to hold a publicity tour for this reprehensible law,” Julie Burkhart, an abortion provider who operates the South Wind Women’s Center and founded the political action committee Trust Women, said in a statement. “Reenacting this bill signing in front of children is not only a publicity stunt, but also spreads hate and disrespect.”

Gosh, ya think? Did they hand out little brochures about the procedure calling it "dismemberment" like they do on street corners?

“Dismemberment” is not a medical term. The new laws seeking to outlaw this procedure are relying on evocative language to target the most common form of second-trimester abortion — a process known in the medical community as Dilation and Evacuation, or “D&E.” Burkhart’s organization isopposed to SB 95 because it prevents doctors from providing their patients with the best care available, and its vague language could end up making it too risky for doctors to offer any surgical abortion procedures whatsoever.

Reagan shut down all the mental health facilities and now they're electing people who would have been admitted to them for a long stay as Governors of states. Seriously, WTF?

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