LIVE STREAM: #FreddieGray Protests Turn Violent

It looks to be a long night.

[live stream via NBC Philadelphia]

This is an update to Susie's earlier post on the Freddie Gray protests going on in Baltimore after police apparently threw rocks at protesters and protesters threw them back.

Conor Friedersdorf:

What's crucial to understand, as Baltimore residents take to the streets in long-simmering frustration, is that their general grievances are valid regardless of how this case plays out. For as in Ferguson, where residents suffered through years of misconduct so egregious that most Americans could scarcely conceive of what was going on, the people of Baltimore are policed by an entity that perpetrates stunning abuses. The difference is that this time we needn't wait for a DOJ report to tell us so. Harrowing evidence has been presented. Yet America hasn't looked.

We're about to look now. Here's a video of police throwing rocks at protesters:

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