McMorris-Rodgers Pretends Obamacare Isn't Really Obamacare

After being inundated with positive feedback about the Affordable Care Act, Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers pretends all the comments concerned things both parties support, and those aren't Obamacare!

McMorris-Rodgers Pretends Obamacare Isn't Really Obamacare

After her Facebook page was flooded with positive feedback about the Affordable Care Act, Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers was left in a quandary. How could she trash the ACA when her constituents were praising it?

Trust me. She found a way. Here's what she did:

McMorris Rodgers said Monday that many of the success stories seemed to be centered on reforms that both parties agreed on, rather than her concerns with the health care package.

“The stories are largely around pre-existing conditions and those that are getting health insurance up to age 26,” she said. “That’s broad, bipartisan support for those provisions.”

Oh, of course! Those things everyone likes aren't Obamacare, are they? Because if they are, why did she vote to repeal them over 50 times?

The congresswoman has voted multiple times to repeal the health care law in its entirety, most recently in February on a resolution offered by Alabama Republican Bradley Byrne that would eliminate all aspects of the law, including the pre-existing condition and age 26 provisions. The resolution has not been put to a vote by the Senate.

Whether she votes for or against this resolution is irrelevant. She's voted to repeal this law 52 more times than I've had to visit the doctor since I had health insurance, and her votes have been to repeal the ban on pre-existing conditions provisions and coverage for young people on their parents' policies.

She knows, just like we all know, that the Affordable Care Act is the sum of many parts, and you can't just have the consumer protections without the other parts. She's just too much of a candy-ass coward to admit she doesn't give a damn.

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