Rand Paul: The Nastiest Candidate Of Them All

Paul's comments about Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire are just a taste of things to come.

Rand Paul: The Nastiest Candidate Of Them All

I really don't care what anyone thinks about Hillary Clinton on a personal level, but I'm already tired of the sexist, ageist empty slams at her looks and her past. Say what you will, but she is a woman who has spent the majority of her life in public service and at least deserves the courtesy of being attacked for her ideas and not how old she is.

But Rand Paul has no such filters, and he's showing himself to be the meanest, most thuggish candidate in the race at this point.

"I'm starting to worry that when Hillary Clinton travels, there's gonna need to be two planes – one for her and her entourage, and one for her baggage," Paul said. “I'm concerned that the plane with the baggage is really getting heavy and teetering.”

He's one to talk about baggage, given the similarities between him and his Teabircher daddy.

Steve M.:

I get the feeling Paul is just getting warmed up. His confrontations with reporters suggest that he's not just running a tough campaign -- he viscerally has a mean streak, and we're going to see more of it as the months progress. I think that's really going to help him in the primary race, although I think there are too many hawks with too much money for him to actually to actually win the nomination. If he does somehow emerge victorious, I think most Americans are going to think he's too nasty to be president. But meanwhile, his party will cheer, which will only encourage him. So expect a lot more of this, and expect the insults to get a lot uglier.

Yes, Rand Paul viscerally has a mean streak. Shall we revisit his 2010 campaign, when a staffer stomped the head of a MoveOn member at a rally and the best he could do is offer a weak sauce appeal for people to stick to the issues?

The company he keeps could fill several planes with baggage.

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