'Tehran Tom' Cotton Says Americans Don't Mind War As Long As They Win
Senator Tom Cotton needs a reality check.
Everything you need to know about 'Tehran Tom' is in one paragraph of an interview he gave Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic this week.
Goldberg: Why do you think your general outlook is so disparaged, even in parts of the Republican Party? I don't mean the Rand Paul wing, even. I mean, I hear from Republicans who are wary of going down a path that would lead to another Middle East war. Or let me put this another way: Do you believe that the country is tired of these sorts of wars and of this kind of engagement?
Cotton: I think that Americans—and this is not true just now, but over the years—are not fundamentally opposed to war. They're fundamentally opposed to losing wars. And that's one reason why President Bush lost support for the Iraq War in the period of 2004 to 2006.
All you need to know about Tehran Tom is in that answer. Americans, not so much. He clearly hasn't spent any time talking to people outside his little neocon bubble.