Tehran Tom Cotton Tries To Pick A Twitter Fight With Iran's Foreign Minister

Tehran Tom is a shameless and dangerous idiot.

Senator Tehran Tom Cotton is a dangerous idiot, but I'm sure all the haters back home love him.

New daddy Tom maybe didn't get a lot of sleep, or maybe he just thinks he's king of everything. Whatever. His Twitter battle is really out of line.

The freshman Republican senator from Arkansas was responding to Javad Zarif's recent comments on the emerging nuclear deal between the United States and Iran. A United Nations resolution would provide sanctions relief to Iran after negotiators reached an agreement in June, Zarif said, "whether Sen. Cotton likes it or not."

Tommy didn't care very much for that.

Prime Minister Zarif put it all in perspective.

Cotton's tweets to Zarif are a rather unusual move for a senator, too. And they indicate that Cotton doesn't plan to let go of the in-your-face strategy he has built in a few short months for being heard on and off the Hill about foreign policy. The fact that he's a new senator doesn't appear to faze him, either. "I think this question is not a matter of how long someone has been in the Senate or the Congress or how long [someone] has been serving in the government," Cotton told reporters earlier this month, "but who is right and who is wrong about this matter."

Well, perhaps. But when you're consistently wrong, Senator Cotton, maybe it's time to sit down and pay attention to what's actually at stake here. This isn't a reality show. It's reality.

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