Bill-O Tempts Fate, Dares God To Hit Him With Lightning Strike

Bill-O is bothered that the Hillary Clinton lies aren't working, so he blames media.

Bill O'Reilly is the leading candidate to be struck by lightning or rendered mute for this bit of Goebbel-ish baloney.

In his Talking Points Memo segment on Thursday, Bill-O proclaimed our democracy and safety in danger because of "low information voters." O'Reilly is primarily concerned with the fact that no matter how hard Fox has tried to pimp Peter Schweizer's Big Book Of Hillary Lies, her approval ratings and trust ratings have risen, not fallen. And so, the Big Pronouncement from Bill-O spews forth.

I'll just put a snippet of the full transcript right here so you can see why he's going to have to be struck by lightning to put the universe back in balance.

Americans who consume news and information have more vehicles available than ever before.

We are not Germany in the '30s or Russia under Stalin. We can get to the truth if we put in the effort.

But many of us do not do that.

They are called low-information voters.

And those folks can be easily manipulated by a dishonest media and clever politicians.

With terrorism and a shaky economy, the stakes are high for all of us.

Misleading polls, headlines, and internet deception are legion.

And a threat to our safety and prosperity.

Let that sink in for a minute. Bill O'Reilly, serial liar, pointing his claw at so-called "low information voters" of his own creation, while complaining about a dishonest media.

Here's who he's really blaming: The Drudge Report, Breitbart News, The Daily Caller, and more.

Today, Americans get much of their news from dishonest websites which are in business to distort the truth, not report it.

I'm sure he wouldn't name those websites, but they are the ones in the business of distorting truth, just like his employer, Fox News. Let's not leave out hate radio either. Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and their ilk just amplify the lies. But of course, that's not who O'Reilly is blaming.

His rant is really directed at sites like Media Matters and this one, who actually fact-checked Schweizer and his motives for smearing Secretary Clinton in his book.

Bill-O and his friends at Fox have taken this sage advice to heart:

"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over” - Joseph Goebbels

"We are not Germany in the '30s or Russia under Stalin. We can get to the truth if we put in the effort," says O'Reilly.

I agree. The first step toward truth is turning off Fox News forever.

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