Fox News Is Angry At President Obama For Telling The Truth

They have an amazing ability to state the obvious, don't they?

Just like that, the light went on, but for Fox and Friends, no one is still home.

Roger Ailes and his gang are miffed that Obama called out Fox News by name for their mean girl coverage of poor people. Of course, they're also in absolute denial that they're responsible for anyone and to prove it, they trotted out none other than Stuart Varney, Poor-Shamer-In-Chief.

Varney cheers when companies move their operations overseas to dodge taxes. He thinks it's awesome not to pay employees overtime pay, because God forbid they should be paid honest wages for extra work, right? For Varney, if unemployed people and their children go hungry, so be it. Are there no poorhouses? Let them die, and decrease the surplus population!

But then, why not? Varney is a guy who admonishes the Pope because he gives a damn about poor people.

I appreciate Fox News' tone-deafness, though, because it just highlights the truth of what President Obama said. If they didn't have cushy jobs at Fox, they'd be unemployed too, because the haters' market just isn't that big.

Jon Stewart took the whining from Varney and his ilk apart during his opening segment this Wednesday. Who thinks Fox will just completely ignore him as well?

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