Fox Talker Compares Obama To Woodrow Wilson On Hannity's Friday Hatefest

Niger Innis seems to have forgotten the shift in party affiliations between Wilson's administration and Obama's.

Niger Innis is the Executive Director of the, an organization born out of fear and loathing of our Black President back in 2009. It mostly exists to grift and ask for money. Not a day goes by that I don't get some kind of scammy ask from them for bogus financial investments or just donations to fund their hatefest.

It's perfectly natural that Sean Hannity would invite him to his Big Show on Race. The same Big Show on Race Hannity always has after there has been some kind of public outcry about racism. The entire purpose of the show is to trot out black people who can reassure all the old scared white dudes sitting at home that they're not racist because look! They actually agree with that black guy.

Innis leaned in and informed his audience that Barack Obama was just like Woodrow Wilson. In fact, Innis pronounced Obama the Woodrow Wilson of the 21st century.

The thing is, he did that just after Hannity played a collection of clips of Obama speaking clearly and calmly about racial issues and racial tensions. Watch at least the beginning of the video to see what they're characterizing as "stoking racial tension." If you can't bear Hannity, the transcript is below, with thanks to Heather.

HANNITY: Niger, with the power of the bully pulpit of the presidency, rushing to judgment on four high profile racial incidents in this country, he turns out to be wrong... wrong. Has he hurt race relations by doing that?

INNIS: You know, the President talks about history, let's talk a little about history. About a hundred years ago there was another progressive Democrat president named Woodrow Wilson and he saw, he aired at the White House one of the most racist, disgusting films in the history of our country, Birth of a Nation.

HANNITY: That's right.

INNIS: And he came out and said this was history written with lightning. Barack Obama is the reincarnation of Woodrow Wilson.

HANNITY: And by the way, that pushed the Klan, you've got a very tough charge against the President... you're comparing that to Woodrow Wilson?

INNIS: Absolutely. It's the same phenomenon. You have certain degree of racial tension. The racial tension existed back then. It was palpable back then, and you... instead of being the calming voice that brings people together, you divide people, and you stoke the fire and you stoke the racism.

the only difference is... it's the same progressivism, same Democratic progressivism and divide and conquer the people. The only difference is the victimizer and the victim have switched sides and are different colors.

Clear as mud.

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