O'Reilly: Calling Needy Children And Elderly Folks Lazy Moochers Isn't Mean!

Now that he's officially a lying liar, Fox News has given him the freedom to let all the lies fly.

With the exception of Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly is probably Fox News' most prominent poor-shamer, so it makes total sense for him to use his Talking Points Memo segment to insist that he's never, ever, ever said mean things about the poors, right?

O'Reilly cited one example where he's mentioned poverty in his little rant. After attacking Charles Blow as "lazy," O'Reilly insisted he had never, ever been mean. Oh, irony. You're such a cruel bitch.

"So obviously that's a lot different than me calling poor Americans names. Mr. Blow would know that if he was an honest person. But he is not. What Blow really cares about is attacking anyone who does not buy into the grievance industry that he promotes and adores. I clearly blame irresponsible parents for much of the poverty in the USA," says BillO.

But here are some of the other mean things BillO forgot.

He's called them "irresponsible and lazy."

There was the time he said "people cause their own poverty," without so much as a nod to how deeply illness, job loss, and other life-changing events play into their plight.

BillO routinely belittles social safety net recipients as drug addicts and moochers, who should be yanking themselves up by their own bootstraps. If they had bootstraps. Or boots.

But no worries, because they're not really poor if they have cell phones, refrigerators and microwaves, says the wealthy white man sucking Roger Ailes' teat.

No, to BillO, food stamp recipients are just con artists ripping off the government, not children or elderly people.

To this lying liar, no person in need should ever be lifted up. Even recipients of Obamacare subsidies are moochers.

So here's my challenge for Bill O'Reilly. I would like for him to explain how two working middle class people who lost their jobs as a result of the Great Recession and lost their health insurance at exactly the same time their son got sick with a chronic, expensive, lifetime disease are somehow irresponsible, lazy moochers.

He won't accept that challenge because he's lazy and arrogant. I won't deny I said that, either.

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