Poor Alex Jones, Always The Victim Of A Conspiracy

Funny how that works.

Poor Alex Jones. This one man is persecuted more often than anyone else in the entire world. You'd think people were cooking up conspiracies just to make him look lame, as if he couldn't do that all by himself.

Alex Jones was supposed to make an appearance on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulis to discuss his paranoia about Jade Helm 15, but he was a no-show.

"This Week" host Martha Raddatz kicked off a roundtable discussion on "Jade Helm 15" by explaining that Jones had previously agreed to appear on the program but didn't show up at a satellite studio. But to hear Jones tell it, the network engaged in "dirty tricks" by delaying his car service to the studio.

Jones explained on his InfoWars radio show that when ABC News reached out to him, he'd stipulated that he would only participate in the "This Week" panel if his appearance was filmed live. He said the network then pulled one of its "dirty tricks" and informed his producer on Saturday that they wanted Jones to pre-tape a segment.

"Twelve minutes before airtime -- before 9 a.m. when it's live -- they call and go 'There's a car downstairs,'" Jones said. "All so they can say I chickened out and didn't show up. This is the kind of theater these people engage in."

Funny how that doesn't happen to any other guests. Only Alex Jones, that poor man.

There, there Alex. I'm fairly certain there are medications that can help you with your paranoia.

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