Richard Clarke's Lesson On Iraq: 'We Destroyed The State'

Richard Clarke's observations on Iraq are chilling, given that Republicans are trying to do the same thing at home.

I know Richard Clarke was speaking of Iraq in this interview where he talked about the consequences of our invasion there, but his word sent a cold chill up my spine when I realized that his description of the fallout in Iraq is the same aspiration Republicans have for this country.

"And all the stuff we're seeing today -- the rise of ISIS, the disintegration of the state in Iraq, the disintegration of the state in Syria, I think is directly connected to our invasion," said Clarke.

"We destroyed the state. This is what happens when you destroy a state. You have chaos, you have the rise of factions, regional and ethic factions," he continued. "And I think you can look at that decision and say that's the reason hundreds of thousands -- probably a couple of million if you add it all up -- people have been killed."

Now think of that in the context of the goals of the corporate and ideological power brokers for the Republican party. Those who want to "drown the federal government in the bathtub." The ones who want to weaken Washington, DC's power in order to force their hand-picked state governments to do their bidding with no interference from outside.

They, too, want to destroy the state in order to weaken the country to the point where they own it and all of us. If a few of us die, no big deal. Instead of guns, they're trying to turn democracy on its head and strip us all of our voices.

Meanwhile, the likes of Bill Kristol defend the invasion as the right and moral thing to do, proving yet again that these neocons have no morals at all.

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