RNC Partner Wants Christianity Declared United States' Official Religion

Proving yet again that Republicans have no clue about the Constitution.

They're at it again! Once again, the RNC has partnered with religious extremist David Lane, as Right Wing Watch explains:

Earlier this year, the Republican National Committee teamed up with the American Family Association and the American Renewal Project to take dozens of RNC committeemen on a trip to Israel. The trip stoked controversy because of the radical track record of the AFA and its then-spokesman Bryan Fischer, particularly his claims that gay people are to blame for the Holocaust, that Jewish Americans shouldn’t have equal constitutional rights and that Jewish immigrants should be required to convert to Christianity.

Just as radical is the head of the American Renewal Project, David Lane, whose brand of Christian Nationalism views the separation of church and state, LGBT equality and religious pluralism as dangers, calling on conservative Christians to “wage war” against these supposed threats.

The RNC’s official faith-outreach arm is now working with Lane to hold a training session at today’s Southern Republican Leadership Conference:

The war Lane wants to wage? Declaring Christianity the "official religion of the United States." Just like declaring Coke the official drink of the NFL or something.

Republicans who attend Lane’s candidate forums, invite him to conduct trainings, or join him on all-expenses-paid trips to Israel, can’t really claim ignorance of his agenda, which is crystal clear, as he states in this week’s email alert:

The American church has lost its commission in the public square, its purpose for being. Ultimately, unless we find the chart and compass used by Colonial America to establish Christianity as the official religion of America, America will no longer be.

These folks really have a fixation with Colonial America. Maybe it's the witch-burnings they yearn for.

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