Scott Walker Pays Back Political Favors With University Board Appointment

Is there another politician as overtly corrupt as Scott Walker?

Governor Scott Walker is the epitome of political corruption. He's so perfectly corrupt that if you were to write him as a character in a novel, your editor would send it back for you to make him more three-dimensional.

In today's installment, Governor Wanker appoints the son of Bradley Foundation director Michael Grebe to the Wisconsin University Board of Regents.

Walker announced Friday that he has appointed Mike M. Grebe, son of Michael W. Grebe, president and chief executive of the Bradley Foundation, to the board. The foundation has backed a number of conservative public policy experiments, including welfare reform and voucher schools. Michael W. Grebe also has served as chairman of Walker's campaign.

The Bradley Foundation is a classic right-wing "charity," and I use the term guardedly. Unlike the Clinton Foundation, which actually does direct charitable works, the Bradley Foundation is a conduit for right-wing money to create more right-wing infrastructure.

Since Wanker couldn't directly destroy Wisconsin's university system, he's doing the next best thing and putting the son of his best crony into the mix. Sorry, Wisconsin.

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