Bernie Sanders Proposes Bipartisan Primary Debates
Can you imagine what that would be like?
What a novel idea! Bernie Sanders is proposing a debate schedule that would include Republican primary candidates where real issues get discussed.
The media will never go for it, and neither would Republicans. One look at this segment explains why. When Bernie starts listing the issues concerning Americans, he's unstoppable, and incredibly convincing.
From his letter to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz:
“The large number of debates in the 2008 Presidential campaign is probably one of the reasons why that campaign was so successful in helping not only elect President Obama to an historic victory but for the Democrats to control the House of Representative and elect sixty members of our Democratic Caucus in the Senate,” Sanders wrote in a letter to Schultz.
“Those debates helped voters, beginning in the primary process, to understand more about the candidates and their positions on issues.”
It's not the first time he's mentioned it, but this segment on Rachel Maddow's show so perfectly illustrated what it would be like if Republican primary candidates had the courage to actually take him up on the challenge.
I'd like to see Rick Santorum take him up on it, since he's pretending he cares so much about the working stiffs in the country. Fat chance of that, eh?