Crazy Baptist Pastor Calls For Stoning Ministers Who Perform Gay Marriages
Steven Anderson went on an unhinged rant during his sermon Sunday.
Can it be long before we hear about pastors being killed for performing gay marriages? The homophobic American Taliban is not about to take the gay marriage ruling last week in stride. Nay, they intend to fight with everything they've got, including calls for stonings and vengeance.
In the process, they've lost sight of what being a Christian is really all about.
Pastor Steven Anderson, of Faithful Word Baptist Church, called for stoning to death ministers who performed same-sex marriage ceremonies and repeated his call for the execution of all LGBT people.
“I hate them with a perfect hatred,” Anderson shouted. “I count them mine enemies.”
Anderson said the Bible consistently called Christians to “have the guts to stand up to our culture that is now accepts homos.”
“Where’s the call to repentance?” Anderson said. “Where’s the hope, where’s the love and the grace? It isn’t there.”
This guy might want to merge with the Westboro contingent, since he's echoing their message loud and clear. But no one should imagine that this is what Christians stand for. They don't. Anderson represents a small sliver of haters who are furious they cannot control the entire United States population with outsize fury.