Does Sarah Palin Even Know What A Pedophile Is?

Or how the mean old media always picks on conservatives, like the Duggars.

Religious Conservatives like Sarah and Bristol Palin will say anything to deflect blame from the horrible actions of their fellow Christian conservatives and conveniently use "media bias" as their defense. Bristol Palin got her mom all riled up with her post attacking Lena Dunham and the Left in general. Let’s Get This Straight, Liberals – What Kinds of Molestation are Acceptable? it's the usual nonsense the Palins tend to generate.

This motivated mama bear Palin to write a Facebook post attacking Lena Dunham as well:


Does she even know what a pedo is? Here's a basic definition of the word pedophile and then tell me the key word.

Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger.[1][2] As a medical diagnosis, specific criteria for the disorder extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.[1] A person who is diagnosed with pedophilia must be at least 16 years of age, but adolescents must be at least five years older than the prepubescent child for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia.[1][2]:

It's really sick that I'm even writing this post, but these are the times we live in.

Another trick Sarah employs is to mildly criticise Josh Duggar's actions as "wrongdoings' and then go on to tell you that she's really "sickened" by the media and not the sexual abuse from a fifteen-year-old Josh.

I’m not defending the Duggar boy's obvious wrongdoing over a decade ago. The main victim in any story like this isn't the perpetrator, it's the innocent ones so harmfully affected. I’m not an apologist for any sexual predator, but I’m sickened that the media gives their chosen ones a pass for any behavior as long as they share their leftwing politics.

She's not giving him a free pass at all, but maybe all he needs is a ten-minute time out in the corner for his behavior. A fifteen-year-old teenage boy abusing a five-year-old is simply disgusting. A seven-year-old girl is not capable of being a pedophile in the eyes of the law, nor in the eyes of psychology experts and reality.. but when you deal with the Palins, reality isn't in play.

Echidne of the Snakes rightly labels The Duggars cult and not what would be described as a normal Christian family.

First, Kelly repeatedly referred to the Duggars' weird cult as "Christianity." That's almost like calling the tenets of ISIS " mainstream Islam."

Kelly normalized an extreme cult (the Quiverfull) by equating it with vanilla-flavored Christianity. As if people attacked Duggars' beliefs because they are Christians and not because they are Quiverfull-ers, bent on maximizing the production of children in the marriage, preaching absolute male authority, practicing social isolation of their children and denying them (especially the girls) proper education.

Second, she let the Duggars get away with the bizarre argument that Josh's behavior is common, because it may be common among families the Duggars know, as if touching your sisters sexually was just an ordinary type of growing pain many boys went through:

Other families have said they had sons who did similar things, they argued.

Kelly didn't question this argument. I believe that the reason why so many of Duggars' friends have similar problems is that they share the same child-rearing ideology, being in the same cult:

Isolate your children completely by home-schooling them and by not allowing them to date as teenagers. Then have so many children that the home can offer no privacy.

Then wait and see what happens.

Third, Kelly didn't react when one of the Duggars explained that the experience made them pretty much sex-segregate their children as a solution to the problem. No horseplay between brothers and sisters allowed! So these parents moved from isolating their children in general to isolating their daughters from their sons.

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