Fox Yapper Gets Smacked By Guest Who Looks Forward To Writing His Obituary
Oooh, conservative on conservative backbiting!
I just love it when the Fox yappers chew on each other like pig ears in the paws of a pug, especially when the person chewed on is Fox Business yapper Charlie Gasparino.
Gasparino evidently loathes Millennials, and loves to trash them to widen the generation gaps Fox News and Fox Business love to create. In reality, there's no reason for those young people to be at war with their parents' generation, but for the chaos it stokes to the benefit of billionaires.
At any rate, Gasparino hosted one Millennial who is looking forward to the day she writes his obituary.
The writer, Jillian Melchior, had a piece last week in the New York Post that attacked Gasparino's Boomer crusade. In turn, Gasparino identified her as one of the "moochers" and "fucking morons" that make up the Millennials class "destroying the country."
On Wednesday, during the Fox Business show "Cavuto Coast To Coast," after a cursory debate about which generation is truly to blame for America's economic woes (both are on the conservative side), Melchior declared she was through with Gasparino's "patronizing" attitude.
"I don't think you're a nice man and I'm very much looking forward to writing your obituary," she told him.
“I take pride in not being a nice guy," Gasparino said. "I’m a jerk — read my Playboy interview!”
"I don't want to. Nobody reads that," Melchior said.
"Right because they can just get it online — Millennials just get porn online," Gasparino said.
It spilled onto Twitter, where Gasparino puffed himself up at her expense.
Fox Business, like Fox News, appears to have a death wish. After all, if you make the next generation hate you, won't you lose all your viewers when they die?
Doesn't seem to matter to Gasparino, though. He's down with killing the goose that lays the golden egg, and frankly, I wish it would happen sooner rather than later.