Glenn Beck Hails Texas Floods As Answer To Rick Perry's Prayers

Well, he wouldn't call it blaming, but I would.

I don't know. Maybe it's me, but it might be too early for anyone to claim credit for Texas drowning in a torrent of rain, and it's definitely too early to be celebrating it.

But that's what Glenn Beck did on Monday.

"Five weeks ago, they had a fast for rain because they were in a drought," Beck said. "And it started raining five weeks ago."

Similarly, Beck said, the state of Texas began to work it way out of its drought after Perry prayed for rain back in 2011, which is a position shared by a number of other Religious Right activists.

"We started ending that drought with that fast," he said. "He was mocked for it and he went ahead and did it and that was the beginning of the end of the drought. We started having rain right after that, and this state was a desert."

Maybe that whole prayer directive should have been more specific. Like, "God, please let it rain but only enough that the drought breaks and our infrastructure stays standing." Something like that.

Or maybe the deluge that hit Texas is the result of man made climate change? Perish the thought.

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