KKK Plans Rally To Honor Confederate Flag At SC Statehouse
If the FBI were on it, they'd be inside that crowd taking note of the instigators.
They have a First Amendment right to do it, so I'm not going to go nuts about South Carolina agreeing to this rally, but not all things that can be done should be done. One of those things would be celebrating white supremacy not far from where nine people were shot because they were black people. I don't imagine this ending well at all.
The Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan’s Pelham, North Carolina, chapter have reserved the Statehouse Grounds in South Carolina for a rally next month.
James Spears, the Great Titan of the chapter, said the group would be rallying to protest “the Confederate flag being took down for all the wrong reasons.”
“It’s part of white people’s culture,” he added.
Brian Gaines, who runs the South Carolina Budget and Control Board, which oversees reservations, confirmed the scheduling in an email to POLITICO Monday. He added that the group submitted the request on June 23 and, because his office allows any group, regardless of ideology, to reserve the grounds on a first-come, first-serve basis, the KKK will be able to hold its rally.
The event is planned for July 18 from 3-5 p.m., just over one month after Dylann Roof allegedly entered a historic church in Charleston and shot to death nine African-Americans during a Bible study meeting. Reports indicate Roof was attempting to incite a race war and had read 34 various materials from white supremacist groups online before plotting his crime.
There is only one way good comes of this, and that is if the FBI uses the opportunity to keep an ear and eye out for the folks who have been burning Black churches across the South. So far, they're claiming they can't link up any of the church burnings to a coordinated effort, but that's because none of these things are coordinated.
Find the arsonists, prosecute them vigorously, and start putting surveillance cameras on the churches themselves.
It's long past time for white supremacists to take of their hoods and own their hate.