Lindsey Graham Announces 2016 Presidential Run

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina announced today that he's joining the GOP clown car race for the president.

It's another Monday and apparently it's time for another Republican politician who has no chance at all to throw his hat into the ring and run for the 2016 presidency. Sen. Graham said that nobody expected him to run for president, even himself and oh, how right he is.


Lindsey Graham is running for president because, he says, "the world is falling apart."

And if Americans are looking for a commander-in-chief, the South Carolina senator believes he's it.

Graham, who told CNN last month he's been "more right than wrong on foreign policy," announced his presidential bid in his hometown of Central, South Carolina, on Monday. He hopes that his track record on foreign affairs will give him the advantage in a wide-open primary fight.

"I want to be President to defeat the enemies trying to kill us, not just penalize them or criticize them or contain them, but defeat them," he said at his kickoff event.

The timing could not be better for Graham, a national security hawk announcing his candidacy on the day a key provision of the Patriot Act expired in large part because of Sen. Rand Paul, another Republican running for president. He becomes the 9th Republican to enter the field.

Goober Graham said that the world is falling apart, but he he doesn't bother to blame the real culprits. The warhawks of the GOP forced this country into invading Iraq and the middle east has been spiraling out of control ever since. Why he thinks he has the solution to the world's woes is beyond me, but since the GOP is going to try and make 2016 a foreign policy election, maybe he feels he can spice things up with his primitive - neocon beliefs.

I just can't wait for the GOP debates to begin.

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