Mike Huckabee Uses MLK To Attack Gay Marriage Ruling

Former Governor Mike Huckabee used a symbol of freedom from discrimination, Martin Luther King to justify his attacks on gay rights.

Former Governor Mike Huckabee, an outspoken critic of gay marriage, used the greatest symbol of freedom from discrimination in America's history, Martin Luther King, to justify his attacks on gay rights and marriage equality. It was simply an appalling and horrifying exhibition of hatred for Americans being masqueraded as a form of religious discrimination against the discriminatees that populate the conservative party

HUCKABEE: Are we going to trade one level of what's called discrimination for a new level of discrimination against people of faith.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So are you calling for civil disobedience?

HUCKABEE: I don't think a lot of pastors and Christian schools are going to have a choice. They either are going to follow God, their conscience and what they truly believe is what the scripture teaches them, or they will follow civil law. They will go the path of Dr. Martin Luther King, who in his brilliant essay the letters from a Birmingham jail reminded us, based on what St. Augustine said, that an unjust law is no law at all. And I do think that we're going to see a lot of pastors who will have to make this tough decision. You're going to see it on the part of Christian business owners. You'll see it on the part of Christian university presidents, Christian school administrators. If they refuse to -

What a gas guzzling neanderthal. The struggle for gay rights has been monumental and this phony man of God seeks to continue to discriminate against them by hiding behind The man who symbolized the struggle for freedom against tyrannical and religious persecution.

Many white Americans used God and religion to justify their attacks on African Americans during the civil rights movement and Huckabee is doing the same thing here.

STEPHANOPOULOS: What about county clerks? Should they issue same-sex marriage licenses?

HUCKABEE: If they have a - a conscientious objection, I think they should be excused. I'm not sure that every governor and every attorney general should just say, well, it's the law of the land because there's no enabling legislation. For the states who have a constitutional amendment that affirms marriage, as has been affirmed by the courts for 135 years since the ratification of the 14th amendment, right up through the first time we've seen same-sex marriage enacted by any state, which was Massachusetts, in many states you have overwhelming majorities of the people who voted to say that they believe marriage is between a man and a woman.

George, what we've done - let me just ask people on the left. If we get a future court that is conservative and that conservative court decides that this was a mistake and we're going to go back to traditional marriage and we're also going to say that every unborn people is in fact a person and is - is absolutely guaranteed due process and therefore we would strike down the idea of abortion from conception forward, is the left going to be OK to let the Supreme Court make that decision?

I'm shocked he didn't throw in a little Benghazi to spice up his ridiculous arguments and I also don't seem to remember too many Republicans attacking the Supreme Court when they ruled that Corporations are people, which funnelled unlimited monies into the political system, giving the very wealthy even more power over our political system than ever before. Where was his outrage at five lawyers making law?

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