New Winger Worry: Robot Weddings?

Forget teh gays, righties! The robots are coming!

Now that same-sex marriages are settled, perhaps we can distract wingers from their hatred of gay people by showing them this video of the first robot wedding.

Two robots have tied the knot in Japan in what is thought to be the first wedding of its kind in the world.

Frois, the groom, and bride Yukirin walked the aisle, wore traditional outfits and even carried out a 'wedding kiss' at the event in Tokyo on Saturday.

Special invitations were made, featuring a picture of the two robots inset in a heart, and the 100-strong congregation included a range of smaller robotic models.

After the ceremony the couple even managed to 'cut a cake' before an automated orchestra performed a song for the equivalent of their first dance.

But are they a threat to traditional marriage? Should new laws be written immediately to ban marriage between man and machine?

Inquiring minds want to know.

[h/t Liberaland]

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