Pat Boone Orders Our 'Half-White' President To Quit Talking About Race

He would prefer that the President spend more time talking about Satan.

Pat Boone, that paragon of relevance, boldly stepped into the limelight and called for President Obama to just shush about racism and start giving Satan the credit for Charleston.

That Satan line is a big talking point all of a sudden. I think Frank Luntz may have tested it out for them.

Stepping into the role of white supremacists at the CCC in his column for WorldNutDaily, Boone began with the Trayvon Martin case.

"Boone expressed similar concerns to Charleston terror suspect Dylann Roof about the coverage of Trayvon Martin’s killing by George Zimmerman, and he echoed police claims about the shooting of Michael Brown – who he described as a “very large black man.”

“At no time do I recall your mentioning the far greater instances of ‘black on black’ crimes, the high percentage of crimes of all types committed annually by blacks, or the senseless looting and violence that follows the inflamed ‘protests’ after one of the above-mentioned incidents,” Boone said. “Strange that you, our half-white president, have little to say about these things.”

Whoa, now. Did he really say that? Why yes, he did, and he was just getting warmed up.

Boone dismisses the massacre of nine black worshipers last week by an avowed white supremacist as a “satanically inspired” attack against Christians.

“Yes, I said, ‘inspired by Satan’!” Boone reiterated. “Though this had a racist element, to be sure, it was more than that and of far greater significance to America than that. This boy wasn’t just a sadist, or even criminally insane – he was carefully prepared and led by the Devil himself to kill as many Christians as he could. The fact that they were black was an excuse more than a reason.”

He asked Obama to “look in the eyes of these sad, forlorn, lost evildoers” – identifying Roof, specifically, as well as the men who gunned down innocent bystanders in Aurora, Sandy Hook, Columbine, and Overland Park, Kansas.

“Look deeply into their inner beings (not their skin color or professed motives), and you’ll encounter demons from hell, minions of Satan himself, coming diabolically against anything that God loves,” he said.

F*ck that noise. Roof was a white supremacist who killed nine black people because he hated black people, just like Boone does.

Also, if we don't want to be consumed in the mighty hot hellfires of Satan, our 'half-white' President had better step to Boone's command to declare this nation one 'under God," which in Boone's case means a white God with no time for people of color.

“Simple, stupid ‘racism’ is not our problem, Mr. President,” Boone said. “It is declaring that we are no longer a nation ‘under God.’ And as our society increasingly moves away from God’s protective, loving hand, we can expect more and more horrific demonic evil.”

I can think of no one personifying that demonic evil better than Pat Boone as he typed this waste of bandwidth. "Simple, stupid 'racism'" is indeed his problem.

Did I mention what Pat Boone did in the early years of his career? He whitewashed R&B tunes so white folks would buy them.

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