Romney's Revenge: Deceptively Editing Tracking Video Of Hillary Clinton (Updated)
America Rising hasn't quite grasped the idea behind opposition research.
This is special. America Rising is Mitt Romney's reinvented PAC, now engaging in the work of opposition research and tracking. At a Hillary Clinton event, they captured and then edited this video before tweeting it for Malkin's Twitchy machine to pick up alongside the Drudge machine.
As you can see in the video above, Ann Coulter used it with some twisted pretzel logic to claim she wants old people to die off. WTF, Ann?
Good golly this is dumb. Anyone who's covered a campaign event (with a big-name candidate) knows that spectators/voters huddle along ropelines. Just from a glance, I assumed that Hillary was telling this voter, who wanted something signed, to head down the line where she would have time and space to sign it. She was not telling the woman to go "to the back of the line," as if she'd queued up.
If the woman was outraged and denied, the tracker would have captured that. He didn't, but duehhher -- this got Drudged anyway.
If trackers are just making shit up now I can see why campaigns are so paranoid.
If you think Mitt Romney isn't about getting revenge for that 47 percent video, just keep your eye on America Rising. He doesn't care if video gets edited to make it into something it's not, because he still thinks he should have gotten away with his high and mighty attitude back in 2012.
Even Fox News commentators have debunked it, but that's not going to stop them from using it to prove Hillary Clinton is just some kind of elitist woman-hater.
The Internet, where you can put up lots of propaganda for fun, profit and political gain and pay trackers to invent things that didn't happen. YAY.
[h/t Media Matters]
When FOXite Greg Gutfeld has to chastise you on primetime TV, you've definitely screwed it up.
Can we just look at this video that we showed? She said [to] the woman to go to the end of the line, because that's where you get your stuff signed. She wasn't being rude. This thing that's from America Rising was out of context, and when companies do stuff like that, we no longer trust you. Because I don't know what to believe, but if you look at the whole video, she was saying, oh I'm shaking these hands, if you meet me over on the other side, you could sign it. She wasn't being rude at all. Believe me, there are too many problems with Hillary. We don't need to do this. ... She was being nice.