Rush Limbaugh Says The American Flag Is Next To Be Assaulted By The Left

Rush Limbaugh considers the Confederate Flag as an American tradition and warns that the left wing is coming for the American flag next in a paranoid rant.

Rush Limbaugh came up with a whole new conspiracy theory about what the true meaning is of the calls to take down the Confederate Flag from South Carolina. Limbaugh hasn't found a racial stereotype that he hasn't reveled in so this isn't really shocking at all. Supposedly the Confederate South wasn't a racist, anti-American seceding group of neanderthals hellbent on retaining their slave trade at any cost - which caused 600,000 Americans to be killed. No, they are an American tradition like apple pie.

(h/t to Raw Story for the transcript)

“Do not doubt me!” Limbaugh insisted. “And I’ll make another prediction to you. The next flag that will come under assault — and it will not be long — is the American flag.”

“It makes perfect sense,” he continued. “The speed and rapidity with which the left is conducting this assault on all these American traditions and institutions, if you don’t think the American flag is in their crosshairs down the road, you had better stop and reconsider.”

“I have a prediction,” Limbaugh announced. “It’s not going to stop with the Confederate flag because it’s not about the Confederate flag, it’s about destroying the South as a political force.”

“The American flag is what? It’s the symbol of America. The left what? Doesn’t like this country very much and never has and is getting angrier and angrier about it, seemingly every day.”

Limbaugh forgot to mention all of the Conservatives like Gov. Nikki Haley, who are calling for the removal of the flag.

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley on Monday called for the removal of the Confederate flag from the grounds of the State House."Today we are here in a moment of unity in our state without ill will to say it is time to remove the flag from our capitol grounds," said Haley, a Republican and the state's first non-white governor, while flanked by a diverse group of South Carolina politicians.

"This flag, while an integral part of our past, does not represent the future of our great state," she said.

And Senator Lindsey Graham even joined in:

Senator Lindsey Graham, the Republican presidential candidate from South Carolina, called on Monday for the Confederate battle flag to be removed from the state’s Capitol.“I am urging that the Confederate battle flag be removed from State House grounds to an appropriate location,” he said in a statement.

I guess that makes them part of the radical left wing now, Who knew?

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