Anti-Vaxxers Are Part Of Planned Parenthood Attacks
Why am I not surprised?

I understand that science is hard and conspiracy theories are pretty easy. But some anti-vax nuts are trying to claim vaccines are made from fetal tissue. They're behind the man attacking Planned Parenthood too.
But an interview with Daleiden in the National Catholic Register revealed this crucial detail: “Theresa Deisher helped to prepare [him] for his role as a biomedical representative, teaching him the ins and outs of the field.” Deisher, who did not respond to request for comment, is one of the chief proponents of the debunked theory that fetal DNA in vaccines is linked to autism.
Not only is residual fetal DNA in vaccines not linked to autism, several studies have confirmed that vaccines as a whole are not tied to autism, and, according to a new study in the American Journal of Genetics, the recent spike in autism diagnoses may be due to the rampant “reclassification of individuals with related neurological disorders” as autistic, rather than to any significant increase in the incidence of the disorder itself.
But science hasn’t stopped some segments of the anti-vaxx crowd from fanning the flames of the recent Planned Parenthood controversy. Children of God For Life, a pro-life vaccine truther organization cheered Deisher’s involvement in Daleiden’s investigation, writing on their Facebook page: “God bless Dr. Deisher for her help in exposing Planned Parenthood!”
Life Site News, a prominent pro-life media outlet, used the Planned Parenthood news to provide a platform to Children of God For Life Executive Director Debi Vinnedge, who believes that abortions have been performed for the express purpose of developing vaccines despite CDC statements to the contrary.
It wasn't enough for Daleiden to make the claim that Planned Parenthood was chopping up fetuses for fun and profit. Now he's got the anti-vaxxers claiming their "scheme" is causing autism. Is there no end to the string of conspiracy theories these idiots will indulge in?