CNN Poll: Bernie Sanders Leads All Republican Candidates

In a surprise, a new poll shows that Bernie Sanders is beating his Republican contenders.

I must say this is a bit surprising in one way and not in another. In a new CNN-ORC poll, VT's Bernie Sanders joins Hillary Clinton in beating all the Republican candidates head to head.

A just released CNN poll finds Sanders out-polling all of the GOP's major candidates, though pretty much tied with Jeb Bush. Here's how Sanders stacks up:

BUSH: 47%


TRUMP: 38%

If you limit the poll sample to just registered voters, Bush defeats Sanders by a single point. Either way, this credible poll suggests that Sanders is not just some pie-in-the-sky general election candidate. His more uphill battle may be the primary. But even there, he has some strengths. Polling out last week shows he's the only candidate from either side who has a net favorability rating.

I know Bernie has a positive favorability rating, but I think this poll shows just how bad the GOP Clown Car is for the Republicans. Every day one Republican candidate after another says something that's totally outrageous so they can get some traction in the media. That strategy is working as click bait, but in the minds of the voters, they look like crazy people.

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