Fox News Hosts Of 'Outnumbered' Praise Donald Trump's Racist Mexican Remarks
Fox News hosts praised Donald Trump's racist Mexican remarks as heroic and necessary.
Three of the four girls hosting Fox News' #Outnumbered today defended Donald Trump's offensive anti-Mexican remarks this morning and actually praised him for bringing up a topic that's important for the 2016 presidential race. Yea, because all GOP candidates have been afraid to discuss their xenophobic immigration positions up to this point, right?
I'm not sure why these ladies tie themselves up like pretzels defending the indefensible. I did expect Tucker Carlson to blame the media for trying to paint Republicans as racists. Hey, if the shoe fits, but these comments were pretty silly.
Sandra Smith, Jedediah Bila and Stacey Dash led the Trump defense team. (rough transcript)
Dash: He said what he said and I think that's good. I think he should not go back on it and stick to his guns. And I like that he does.
Bila asked if the left is using Trump to paint the party as racists. "to label the entire Republican party as racists and create this stereotype that isn't realistic, but he has given them food for the fire."
Smith: For one, he's a master at people getting to talk about him, but he's also a master at getting people to talk about what should be one of the topics at the forefront of every presidential candidate discussion and that is immigration so at least he's brought this conversation to light, he's got everyone talking about it and he's got everybody talking about him.
Ted Cruz said that Donald Trump has a way of speaking that gets attention and I credit him for focusing on an issue that needs to be focused on, and he accomplished that.
See, Trump needed to insult every Mexican by calling them rapists so that immigration reform could be at the forefront of discussion. What an accomplishment. What a brilliant political tactic.