Louie Gohmert Has Way Too Much Time On His Hands
It takes a special kind of stupid to reason this way.

Louie Gohmert wants Justices Kagan and Ginsburg impeached because they were too kind to the gays with the marriage ruling. I'm not sure why he left Justice Sotomayor out, unless her name was just too long for him to remember.
But that's not even what qualifies him as the Stupidest Congressman On The Planet. No, it's this bit of really weird and somewhat imaginative reasoning.
We could take four heterosexual couples, married, and put them on an island where they have everything they need to sustain life. Then take four all-male couples and put them on an island with all they need to sustain life, take four couples of women, married, and put them on an island, and let’s come back in 100 to 200 years and see which one nature says is the preferred marriage.
Why bother with marriage in that scenario, Louie? Just toss about a dozen men and women -- gay and hetero -- on an island together and let them fck each others' brains out for the duration, whether they're same sex or opposite sex. You'd get some kids, you'd have some gays, and everyone would be happy.
I mean, who thinks about this stuff in those terms? "Honey, will you marry me so you can bear all the children and take care of me forever?"
What love.