Where Are They Now? Scott Brown Edition
Since being spanked by Elizabeth Warren in 2012, Scott Brown has been a man in search of a career.
How swift the fall. Scott Brown, once a Tea Party darling, now a diet supplement hawker:
It was not supposed to end this way for Scott Brown, emailing strangers pictures of his pecs and waxing poetic about diet supplements.
Brown rose to prominence in 2010, when he defied the odds of his long-shot Republican candidacy and won the special election to fill the Massachusetts Senate seat vacated by the death of Teddy Kennedy. Brown went from unknown to instant star, due almost entirely to the fact that, in 1982, he won Cosmopolitan’s “America's Sexiest Man” competition and posed nude in the June issue.
But Brown’s Senate career would not last. In 2012, he was ousted by Democrat Elizabeth Warren. Two years later, he ran for the Senate again—except this time, from New Hampshire. Dogged by charges of carpetbagging, he was narrowly defeated.
And now he's in my inbox and who knows how many other inboxes without a shirt.
“I am here to help you get started,” Brown’s email read. “As you can see from my story and pictures, these products from Advocare really do work.”
Advocare is a supplement on the same order as Herbalife. Right up there in the "not scientifically proven" category, as much of the feedback indicates.
Reviews of AdvoCare seem to be overwhelmingly negative. On Amazon, where you can purchase the 24 Day Challenge that allegedly worked wonders for Brown for $179, users report itching, swelling, rashes, uncontrollable shaking, headaches, constipation, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath, blurred vision—and subsequent ER visits.
I asked Brown if he had ever experienced any side effects while taking the product, and he responded, “Not at all I’ve been taking the products with Advocare for 10 years and they have treated me great. Thanks.”
10 years? On Facebook and in his email advertisement, Brown said he had been introduced to the products recently and they are what caused his weight loss.
What's a failed politician to do? No cushy think tank jobs open for him? No wingnut welfare?